Zero Trust security: A Microsoft Approach

What is this “Zero Trust” everyone is talking about these days? Under what rock has this term been hiding all the time? What “Zero trust” means anyway? The zero-trust concept or, the concepts that zero trust encompasses, are not new at all. During the Jericho Forum in 2003, the term de-perimeterisation was discussed – ways to protect an organization’s data and systems’ boundary by removing a boundary between outside networks and an organization and protecting…

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Azure Security Center News and Enhancements

  • Post category:Azure

We are already two weeks into year 2021 and the dust has not settled yet from last September 22-24, where we witnessed the first part of Microsoft Ignite conference as a fully digital event. There have been a lot of news and announcements made at the recent event and we already covered Azure Sentinel news in this article. The second part of Microsoft Ignite is March 2-4, 2021. – similarly, it will be a digital…

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Study of Development of smart villages

I am thrilled to announce that I got the task to develop the Study of Development of Smart villages, specifically, the Study of Digital Transformation and modernization of communications of rural area of Kršan Municipality. As the Study is developed, I'll post thoughts and details of the progress. It is a complex process and complex matter; therefore, once it is finalized, it is not supposed to be forgotten but rather developed further and "live", embrace…

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Initial call and proposal for creating a Study of development of smart villages

Few days ago, I got an invitation to propose a plan to develop a Study of development of smart villages for a local municipality of Krsan, Istria, Croatia. I am extremely excited about this and looking forward to developing the study should I win the bid and be selected as the official developer. The study should involve a variety of information technologies, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft 365, Microsoft Office Applications, wireless technologies,…

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Actionable Guide to Microsoft Azure Security Concerns

  • Post category:Azure

Microsoft Azure platform offers vast number of services and solutions, offering massive possibilities to solve business problems combining various Azure services and products. Microsoft cloud computing platform are likely to be less expensive and more flexible, more reliable, and more secure than on-premises servers and solutions. Security is a key focus of Microsoft Azure who invests enormous amounts of money into securing its infrastructure - more than 1 billion USD (yes, that is 1,000 millions…

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