Sasha Delivering a Course/Training

From the beginning of 90’s, I have held thousands of courses and taught thousands of people around the world, ranging from basic topics like computing fundamentals, to most advanced, deep level and specialized IT subjects like Windows Internals, Android Security, “hacking”, or civil engineering using Autodesk AutoCAD and Autodesk Civil 3D.

Please, feel free to contact me if you want book a course (or more than one!) and I will gladly assist you to address your training needs.

If a particular course is not on the list, or you have specific training needs, like:

  • custom training
  • custom workshop
  • training on the technology or product not on the list
  • flexible training duration, shorter or longer than official course
  • expanded content
  • deeper, more detailed content or less detailed content, intended to be delivered and tailored to a different audience for example
  • delivery at a specific location
  • remote delivery
  • something else

contact me and I will gladly discuss your learning needs with you.

Use the top menu to visit the list of Microsoft, CompTIA, or Autodesk courses.